
repository for developing shaders

Primary LanguageMakefile

Dump repo: https://github.com/waqarrashid33/shadev.git


repository for developing shaders

TASK June 21,2017:(Asus Tinker Board) #Make example work by not using GLFW.(It uses it for linux), not for raspberry pi #If still complains about the driver, go after the driver, (It complains about the driver in glslviewer

Install glmark for testing speed


Post on stakeoverflow about directly to framebuffer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39758261/opengl-directly-to-linux-framebuffer-without-x-server

[Read this one] also explore the other options provided in this link to see if they are capable of wirting directly to framebuffer https://learnopengl.com/#!Getting-started/Creating-a-window

Post about rendering while not using x windows http://discourse.glfw.org/t/off-screen-rendering-and-x-windows/784

glfw support for hidden windows http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/context_guide.html#context_offscreen


EGL changes


  1. Test EGL on tinkerboard to see if its working. Just download some examples from internte and try to run them. a. native_window = createnNativeWindow() seems to be a library function. Used in example b. In raspberry pi part of code, they had done this manually using vc related libraries c. Find the corresponding function which enables us to write to framebuffer directly or learn how to do it manually like rpi

  2. Porting glslViewer to EGL:


It Contains void initGL (glm::ivec4 &_viewport, bool _headless), and then it has two sections, one for raspberry pi which seems to be using egl and one for OSX or Linux which is using GLFW.

The raspberry pi part will be very useful in converting the GLFW part to EGL or writing its own.