
A procedure to show you how to set your first django project

Primary LanguageShell

Step by step instructions on how to setup Django environment

The instructions are based on the shell files in this repository. Each sub-section is based on one file from the shell files and some additional info if needed.

This is for making it easy to copy the instructions provided in the shell files.

Create a directory

mkdir Foldername

Change directory

cd Foldername

Install Virtualenvironemt

pip install virtualenv

If you are in a externally managed environment like in Arch Linux then you can try

pacman -S python-virtualenv

If it fails you can try

pip install virtualenv --break-system-packages

If it fails again, then you are using Linux, we trust in you.

Create virtualenv

python -m virtualenv name

Activate virtualenv


If the script is not there, then look it maybe in bin or somewhere, you know what you are doing right?

Install Django

pip install django

Start Django Project

django-admin startproject (Projectname)

Change Directory

cd (Projectname)

Run Server

python manage.py runserver


Edit your files and enjoy the development process. Good Luck!