Django Registration App


Submission for Code Challenge 29 - Create a Simple Django App and reusable template to start your app from scratch with proper registration / login using the existing Django User model. It uses the django-registration plugin, gmail and has all the necessary settings to deploy to Heroku.

I will further detail here and write an article on it, stay tuned ...

In the meanwhile, you can now subscribe here to receive an email notification when we release a new code challenge. I want to further build this out to allow for more types of notifications (articles, news, project updates).

Required env variables

export SECRET_KEY=xyz
export DJANGO_ENV='local'  # app defaults to production

export GMAIL_SMTP_USER=your_email_user
export GMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD=your_email_pw

export DB_NAME='pybites_notifications'
export DB_USER=a_user
export DB_PW=xyz

Configuring the DB is even simpler in production using dj_database_url:


if DJANGO_ENV == 'production':
	import dj_database_url
	db_from_env = dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=500)