We've compiled a list of common quality issues encountered during the session and how you can work to remedy them; along with why it's important to do so. Please take your time to carefully read this document and apply its recommendations to your projects. Once you have done so, please ask your review groups for feedback before asking for a formal quality review.

  • Keeping sensitive information private
  • Providing example configurations
  • Building configuration objects
  • Using shell environment variables
  • Studying the MU style guide
  • Keeping things tidy
  • Understanding why we do things
  • Using Bundler
  • Organizing your files
  • Managing your environment
  • Namespacing your code
  • Avoiding empty module definitions
  • Avoiding dynamic code loading
  • Avoiding excess global state
  • Avoiding class variables
  • Using modules effectively
  • Writing a good README
  • Constructing great examples
  • Being thoughtful