widavies's Following
- buckyrobertsthenewboston
- carsongmillerMinnesota
- Code-Bullet
- codediodeioFireship LLC
- ctruax3Indianapolis, Indiana
- douglascrockfordVirgule-Solidus
- edmundsjMeta
- edorphyTwin Cities App Dev LLC
- eliben@google
- encody@matter-labs
- FlashpointProject
- GeekLaunch
- getdittoSan Francisco, CA
- getlago
- graydonVancouver, BC
- jfversluis@Microsoft
- karpathyStanford
- lattnerBay Area, California, USA
- lexfridmanMIT
- mikepoundUniversity of Nottingham
- munificent@google, on @dart-lang
- Nautilus-InstituteUnited States of America
- nikodemusHelsinki, Finland
- nkuelbs
- PacifismPostMortem
- rauchghttps://vercel.com
- russelldbDitto.live
- SebLagueDenmark
- shykesSan Francisco, CA
- slavapestov
- standardnotes
- teslamotors
- TheChernoMelbourne, Australia
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- tonymorrisBrisbane
- zestererBristol, UK