
Riak PHP client for PHP7

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Riak Client for PHP 5.4 and up (made to work with PHP 7.4)

Riak PHP Client is a client which makes it easy to communicate with Riak, an open source, distributed database that focuses on high availability, horizontal scalability, and predictable latency. Both Riak and this code is maintained by Basho.

To see other clients available for use with Riak visit our Documentation Site

  1. Installation
  2. Documentation
  3. Contributing
  4. Roadmap
  5. License and Authors



  • Release 2.x.x requires PHP 5.4+
  • Release 1.4.x requires PHP 5.3+

Composer Install

Run the following composer command:

$ composer require "widdallc/riak-php7": "1.0.*"

Alternately, manually add the following to your composer.json, in the require section:

"require": {
    "widdallc/riak-php7": "1.0.*"

And then run composer update to ensure the module is installed.


  • Master: Build Status

A fully traversable version of the API documentation for this library can be found on Github Pages.


The release tags of this project have been aligned with the major & minor release versions of Riak. For example, if you are using version 1.4.9 of Riak, then you will want the latest 1.4.* version of this library.

Example Usage

Below is a short example of using the client. More substantial sample code is available in examples.

// lib classes are included via the Composer autoloader files
use Widda\Riak;
use Widda\Riak\Node;
use Widda\Riak\Command;

// define the connection info to our Riak nodes
$nodes = (new Node\Builder)
    ->buildCluster(['riak1.company.com', 'riak2.company.com', 'riak3.company.com',]);

// instantiate the Riak client
$riak = new Riak($nodes);

// build a command to be executed against Riak
$command = (new Command\Builder\StoreObject($riak))
// Receive a response object
$response = $command->execute($command);

// Retrieve the Location of our newly stored object from the Response object
$object_location = $response->getLocation();

Example Storing an image

use Widda\Riak;
use Widda\Riak\Node;
use Widda\Riak\Command;

// define the connection info to our Riak nodes
$nodes = (new Node\Builder)->onPort(8098)->buildCluster('riak1.company.com');

// instantiate the Riak client
$riak = new Riak($nodes);

$url = false;
$headers = null;

$filename = 'my_file.png';
$prefix = null;

$data = file_get_contents($filename);

if(!empty($data)) {
    $contentType = 'image/png';

        $headers = ['Content-Type' => $contentType];
    	$hash = rtrim(strtr(base64_encode(sha1_file($filename, true)), '+/', '-_'), '=');
    	$key = ($prefix ? $prefix.'_' : '').$hash;

    $command = (new Command\Builder\StoreObject($riak))
    	->buildObject($data, $headers)
        ->buildLocation($key, 'MY_RIAK_BUCKET')

	$response = $command->execute();
	if($response->isSuccess()) {
    	$url = $key;
	else {
    	trigger_error("Erreur Riak. Code : ".$response->getCode().", Message : ".$response->getMessage());

Example fetching an image

use Widda\Riak;
use Widda\Riak\Node;
use Widda\Riak\Command;

// define the connection info to our Riak nodes
$nodes = (new Node\Builder)->onPort(8098)->buildCluster('riak1.company.com');

// instantiate the Riak client
$riak = new Riak($nodes);

$response = (new Command\Builder\FetchObject($riak))
            ->buildLocation('MY_KEY', 'MY_RIAK_BUCKET')

if($response->isSuccess()) {
    $data = $response->getDataObject()->getData();  //notice ->getObject() is now ->getDataObject()

    //set the image header
    header("Content-Type", $response->getContentType());

    // display the image
    echo $data;


This repo's maintainers are engineers at Basho and we welcome your contribution to the project! You can start by reviewing CONTRIBUTING.md for information on everything from testing to coding standards.

An honest disclaimer

Due to our obsession with stability and our rich ecosystem of users, community updates on this repo may take a little longer to review.

The most helpful way to contribute is by reporting your experience through issues. Issues may not be updated while we review internally, but they're still incredibly appreciated.

Thank you for being part of the community! We love you for it.


  • Current develop & master branches contain feature support for Riak version 2.0
  • Development for Riak 2.1 features is underway and expected to be completed during Q2 2015

License and Authors



Copyright (c) 2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). For more details, see License.