
Personal communicator app

Primary LanguageCSS



Personal communicator app that enables person with speech impediment to communicate by creating simple sentences. Sentences are created by selecting icons on the screen. The app is currently in slovene language. The app is served as Progressive Web App (PWA).

This is a static version of an app that was created in 2013 as part of a project “Razvoj mobilnega komunikatorja za lažje sporazumevanje” The backend of the app is not available any more. The web frontend presented here is an AngularJS app that was also packaged at the time with Apache Cordova and BlackBerry WebWorks for distribution as a mobile app for iOS, Android, BlackBerry10, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Universal app.

Concept for application: Elementary school Milke Šobar - Nataše from Črnomlj, Slovenia.

Software developer: Damjan Dvoršek

Ikons: Mulberry Symbols

Voice: Blaž Učakar

Design and icons adaptation: Nuša Gruden, Anja Gruden, Blaž Učakar
