
Have fun with cratedb

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Have fun with cratedb

Getting started

pip install crash

Docker compose

docker-compose -f infra/local-instance/docker-compose.yml up


docker run -d -p 4200:4200 -p 4300:4300 -p 5432:5432 --env CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=1g crate \
    crate -Cnetwork.host=_site_

AWS Infrastructure

cd infra/aws-instance
terafform init
terraform plan
terraform apply



  • I sent invitation to new user, and when I clicked on link in email it shows me "Invitation not found or expired." message. In the console I see that invitation is valid for 24h, but I clicked on it in less than 1h. I use Safari and I was logged in to CrateDB console Using Chrome in incognito shows login page, no info what to do with invitation.

Some ideas

  • JobScheduler in terraform would be awesome
  • Budget / costs overview on timeline
  • Permission system and roles in cloud to run certain operations

What queries to ask when using RAG?

  • what JOB scheduler are (in context of CrateDB) using?
  • what are edge regions?

To learn

  • What are edge regions
  • what and how BLOB tables work?
  • How AWS marketplace works, and why I cannot see deployment in my account?
  • How Cloud console


  • What are limits of scalability?