
Select2 field type for Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress

Primary LanguagePHP

Forked by us to fix deprecation notices. Original seems abandoned so we probably don't need to pull any upstream changes. If this should be necessary, please create a PR in this repo.

CMB2 Field Type: Select2


Select2 field type for CMB2.

This plugin gives you two additional field types based on Select2:

  1. The pw_select field acts much like the default select field. However, it adds typeahead-style search allowing you to quickly make a selection from a large list
  2. The pw_multiselect field allows you to select multiple values with typeahead-style search. The values can be dragged and dropped to reorder


You can install this field type as you would a WordPress plugin:

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Place the plugin folder in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Alternatively, you can include this field type within your plugin/theme. The path to front end assets (JS/CSS) can be filtered using pw_cmb2_field_select2_asset_path. See an example where we load assets from the current active theme.


pw_select - Select box with with typeahead-style search. Example:

$cmb->add_field( array(
	'name'    => 'Cooking time',
	'id'      => $prefix . 'cooking_time',
	'desc'    => 'Cooking time',
	'type'    => 'pw_select',
	'options' => array(
		'5'  => '5 minutes',
		'10' => '10 minutes',
		'30' => 'Half an hour',
		'60' => '1 hour',
) );

pw_multiselect - Multi-value select box with drag and drop reordering. Example:

$cmb->add_field( array(
	'name'    => 'Ingredients',
	'id'      => $prefix . 'ingredients',
	'desc'    => 'Select ingredients. Drag to reorder.',
	'type'    => 'pw_multiselect',
	'options' => array(
		'flour'  => 'Flour',
		'salt'   => 'Salt',
		'eggs'   => 'Eggs',
		'milk'   => 'Milk',
		'butter' => 'Butter',
) );


You can specify placeholder text through the attributes array. Example:

$cmb->add_field( array(
	'name'    => 'Ingredients',
	'id'      => $prefix . 'ingredients',
	'desc'    => 'Select this recipes ingredients.',
	'type'    => 'pw_multiselect',
	'options' => array(
		'flour'  => 'Flour',
		'salt'   => 'Salt',
		'eggs'   => 'Eggs',
		'milk'   => 'Milk',
		'butter' => 'Butter',
	'attributes' => array(
		'placeholder' => 'Select ingredients. Drag to reorder'
) );

Custom Select2 configuration and overriding default configuration options

You can define Select2 configuration options using HTML5 data-* attributes. It's worth reading up on the available options over on the Select2 website. Example:

$cmb->add_field( array(
	'name'    => 'Ingredients',
	'id'      => $prefix . 'ingredients',
	'desc'    => 'Select ingredients. Drag to reorder.',
	'type'    => 'pw_multiselect',
	'options' => array(
		'flour'  => 'Flour',
		'salt'   => 'Salt',
		'eggs'   => 'Eggs',
		'milk'   => 'Milk',
		'butter' => 'Butter',
	'attributes' => array(
		'data-maximum-selection-length' => '2',
) );

Helper functions

You may want to populate the options array dynamically. Common use cases include listing out posts and taxonomy terms. I've written a number of generic helper functions which can be used to return a CMB2 style array for both posts and terms.

Limitations/known issues

If you’d like to help out, pull requests are more than welcome!

  • This field does not work well as a repeatable field within a repeatable group.
  • Yoast SEO also loads Select2. Currently a version behind, there is an issue with the previous version of Select2 and it's ability to position the dropdown relative to the field.


Select box


Multi-value select box


