BPost is a Ruby module that allows you to easily perform batch POST and GET requests to web forms.
It is still under development. Some of it's current features are:
- POST and GET form submission
- JSON and HTML document parsing
- Ability to perform multiple simultaneous requests
- Try functionality to test the submission
- Data cleanup
- Debug functionality
- Output as an XLSX spreadsheet
There are a few gems that BPost requires. They are:
- Net/http
- Nokogiri
- Open-Uri
- Json
- Simple_Xlsx
BPost has been written under and tested with Ruby 1.9.2.
Install the required gems, that's all.
gem install nokogiri
gem install json
gem install simple_xlsx_writer
Here are some typical cases. Notice these examples WILL NOT WORK.
They are all hypothetical.
require "poster.rb"
# First thing first - we need some data to send
# In this example, we send a list of zip codes from a file along with some other information required by the form.
send_data = []
File.open("data/zip_codes").each_line do |line|
send_data << {'searchType' => 'PostalCode',
'Count' => '25',
'ZipCode' => line.slice(0..4)}
# Now we need an array of get procs. If there are 5 related items you would like to
# get from a website - create 5 of these. The |doc| arugment that gets passed into the
# proc is a Nokigiri or a JSON Ruby document object. Inside the Proc we parse the document
# and return the entry that will be saved into a spreadsheet.
# We need to treat our first item in the array as a key.
# If the key is not unique, or data may get overriden by another entry with the same key.
# A good example of this is a list of dealerships. If we are trying to obtain a list like this
# we need to make sure that two dealers with the same name do not get overridden. In this example
# we take some data from the document and essentially combine it into a single item.
get_procs = []
get_procs << Proc.new do |doc|
info_ar = []
info_ar << doc.css(".info h3")[0].inner_text.to_s + doc.css(".info")[0].css("li")[1].inner_text.to_s rescue nil
info_ar << doc.css(".info")[0].css("li")[1].inner_text rescue info_ar << ""
info_ar << item_str
info_ar # return the value back
# Here we do the same thing - but grab the second item on the page
get_procs << Proc.new do |doc|
info_ar << doc.css(".info h3")[1].inner_text.to_s + doc.css(".info")[1].css("li")[1].inner_text.to_s rescue nil
info_ar << doc.css(".info")[1].css("li")[1].inner_text rescue info_ar << ""
info_ar << item_str
# And so on... We can grab as many items from a page as we want.
# The fun almost begins... But first we need to pass some extra parameters, a hash of parameters.
options = { 'url' => 'http://www.somewebsite.com/form.php', # the url we will be sending the data to
'name' => 'somename', # the name of the list - will be used in the output filename, ex: somename.xlsx
'action' => :get, # the action to take - either get or post
'instances' => 5, # number of simultaneous requests to perform... please don't make this too high
'debug' => true, # some debug information
'oformat' => :excel, # the output format, currently only :excel is supported, which will generate .xlsx file
'iformat' => :html, # the format of the document
'try' => false } # if we set this to true, we will only send 10 requests and the program will quit
# Let the fun begin!