to your quizzes directory. -
Clone this repository and
into the directory it creates. -
Now run the following commands.
git checkout -b quiz touch index.html touch quiz.js touch quiz.css
You are now ready to work in the quiz
When your work in complete, push up the branch (git push origin quiz
) and submit the pull request on Github.
Use ES6 language features wherever you can. At a minimum, you should be using let, const, fat arrows, property shorthand, method properties, and string templates.
Have a Grunt task running at all times to validate your JavaScript. We will be validating your project and we should see 0 errors.
You must have a very basic, just a few, test suite that validates the core logic of the application. Some things to test:
- Instantiation of new objects creates the inheritance you expect
- Calculations for health, damage, armor, etc. work properly
- Passing in arguments to set properties like
ornumber of arms
creates those properties
You must use jQuery for interacting with the DOM.
You'll be building robots to battle each other.
- A base Robot function.
- Define three robot type functions (e.g. Drone, Bipedal, ATV).
- Each type must have a unique property, for example, if it is aerial or ground based.
- Define at least 2 specific robot model functions for each type.
- Give each robot model a different range of health. For example, one model can have health range of 50-80, and another one will have a range of 60-120. To accomplish this, read about the Math.random() function in JavaScript.
- Give each robot model a different range of damage they do using the same technique.
- When your user interface first loads, provide 2 text inputs to name the two robots that will do battle.
- You must also provide a select element underneath each text input so that the user can select one of the 6 robot models you defined.
- Provide a Attack! button that, when clicked, simply applies the damage output of each robot against the other one.
- Once either robot's health is <0 display a message that the battle is over, and which one won. For example...