
Mediawiki extension to create tables with lists of News per Category, limited to n elements, with thumbnails preview.

Primary LanguagePHP

NewsZ, a Mediawiki extension that allows users to create frames and tables with
lists of News per Category, limited to n elements, with thumbnails preview.

Rev. 1.0 (2012/01/08)

This extension search the first tag "Image:" in article and uses it as thumbnails preview;
if the article not contains images, then uses a default "Logo-category_name.png" as thumbnail.
You can chose several types of previews: simple text, icons in colums, icons with text preview.
NewsZ browse also subcategories and may be a true "news aggregator.

How it works
Text preview is extracted from first valid text block (a paragraph) of article. But you can also
use the hidden tags as is explained below:

To mark the text inside article for preview, simply use this syntax:
<!--NewsZ--> ... here the text article preview ... <!--EndZ-->

You can hide a preview text in article:
<!--NewsZ ... here the hidden text for article preview ... EndZ-->

You can also hide a icon preview in every article:
<!-- [[Image:my_hidden_logo.png]] -->

{{#newsz:My_news_category|begin from|news counter|cols or chars| class="" style="" ...}}

- "My_news_category" = a Category (Note: better replace spaces with underscore)
- "begin from" = 0-->last inserted, 1-->previous, etc.
- "news counter" = number of articles in table
- "cols or chars" = 0 --> list article without thumbnails
                  1 to 15 (-1 to -15) --> n. of cols in preview per table
                  >15 (or >abs(-15))  --> number of char in text article preview
                  negative numbers    --> returns a table with date and article preview
- last field accepts list of styles

{{#newsz:World_news|0|10|140| style="font-size:14px; width:50%;"}}

- Create NewsZ folder in your $IP/extensions/
- copy NewsZ.php to your $IP/extensions/NewsZ/
- add the following to LocalSettings.php:

require_once( "$IP/extensions/NewsZ/NewsZ.php");
//Add global custom thumbnail size here (default size is "96x72px"):
//To avoid search articles in first level subcategories add this line:
$wgNewszNotSubCategory = true;
//Date format: default=english(MDY); DMY=latin; YMD=scientific
$wgNewszFormatDate = 'YMD';

To speed up the news refresh, you can invalidate cache in Localsettings.php:
//$wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
$wgCacheEpoch = gmdate( 'YmdHis' );