
Setup and manage Nftables on Linux hosts.

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Nftables

Ansible Role that installs and manages nftables.

Ruleset is written in single file, directory /etc/nftables is created for manual include-files. On Debian systemd unit-file is patched to allow normal ruleset reload.


Python, Ansible >= 2.9

Role Variables

Variable Deafule value Description
nftables_validate_ruleset True Wether to run nft -c -f {{ nftables_ruleset_path }}
nftables_ruleset.include_files [] List of include files path for generic level include statements
nftables_ruleset.tables [] List of tables
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].name - Table name, mandatory
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].family 'ip' Table family: ip, arp, ip6, bridge, inet, netdev
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].include [] List of inlude file paths
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains [] List of chains in table
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].name - Chain name, mandatory
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].type 'filter' Chain type: 'filter', 'route', 'nat'
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].hook 'input' Chain hook
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].device - Device associated with chain
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].policy 'accept' Chain policy action
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].priority 0 Chain priority
nftables_ruleset.tables[*].chains[*].rules [] List of rule expressions



Supported platforms

  • Debian
    • Buster (10)
    • Bullseye (11)
  • RHEL
    • 7
    • 8

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes

        - name: filter
          family: "ip"
            - name: input
              type: "filter"
              hook: "input"
              policy: "drop"
              priority: 0
                - "ct state established,related accept"
                - "iifname lo accept"
                - "icmp type echo-request accept"
                - "tcp dport {ssh} accept"
            - name: forward
              type: "filter"
              hook: "forward"
              policy: "drop"
              priority: 0
            - name: output
              type: "filter"
              hook: "output"
              policy: "accept"
              priority: 0



This role uses Molecule for testing. Molecule is run against Vagrant-managed VMs (see default scenario). By default, provider libvirt is used unless overriden by MOLECULE_VAGRANT_PROVIDER env variable.

Use MOLECULE_VAGRANT_VM_CPUS and MOLECULE_VAGRANT_VM_MEM env variables to set VM vCPUs and RAM count.

Additional dependencies for controller host:

  • Vagrant + preferred provider
  • Python: python-vagrant library
  • Python: molecule-vagrant Molecule driver

Preferred way to test role for compatibility with different versions of Ansible is to use Tox. See tox.ini for the full list of supported Ansible versions.

Run tests for all environments:


List available environments:

tox -l

Run tests only for specific environment (e.g. Ansible 2.9):

tox -e py3-ansible29

Run only specific Molecule subcommand (e.g. molecule verify):

# All test environments
tox -- molecule verify
# Specific test environments
tox -e py3-ansible29 -- molecule verify


See full text in LICENSE file.

Author Information

This role was created in 2021 by Dmitry Danilov.