
This is a repository where I post basic flutter projects and implemented challenges that I complete while learning flutter from different mentors.

Primary LanguageC++


This is a repository where I post basic flutter projects and implemented challenges that I complete while learning flutter from different mentors. I learnt amazing executions of different widgets while learning them , every App has a different file here . I am sorry if you find it a little confusing . I hope you find them useful .

I am Rich App

This was the first and most basics app I built with flutter. It belongs to the course I took on Udemy by Angela hu. This is an App that just displays a photo of a ruby just to show people that they are virtually rich , this doesn't make so much sense but its good to practice these.

things that I learned here:

Basics of Material Design What a Scaffold is AppBar Adding Assets Generating App-icons and adjusting them for our App How to run App on a physical device


A new Flutter project(second project) where I started everything from scarth and practiced what I learned earlier. Just like our older I am rich App here we are displaying an image . I was too much lazy to find an image of a stone and also didnt feel okay to make something like that. So, here I am uploading a picture from my gallery.