
Easy tcp, unix socket and avahi networking from python

Primary LanguagePython


Easy tcp, unix socket and avahi networking from python.

This module provides 4 clases for networking support from Python:


Additionally, there are two convenience functions, bgloop and fgloop, which
will enter the glib main loop.  Before that, bgloop will fork, so it returns
control of the terminal to the calling application.  When starting servers this
is useful: it will only return after the server is running, so there is no race
condition for "the server was started, but not accepting connections yet".

Instances of the Socket class are the connection objects. Server objects wait
for connections and create the corresponding sockets as calls come in.

Socket addresses can have several types. For connecting (client side), they may

port		connect to port on localhost.
host:port	connect to port on host.
service|	connect to first avahi service with name (strictly,
service|regex	connect to the first avahi service for which the long name
		matches regular expression.
/path/to/socket	connect to a unix domain socket. The name must include at least
		one forward slash.

For listening (server side), they may be:
port			listen on port on localhost.
service|name		listen on random port, publish service with long name.
service|name|port	listen on port, publish avahi service.
/path/to/socket		listen on a unix domain socket, which must not exist.
			The name must include at least one forward slash.

In all cases, port may be a number or a service name from /etc/services.


s = network.Socket (address, tls = True, disconnect_cb = None)
	# Create a socket, connect to address.
	# If tls is True, TLS will be used to create a secure socket.
	# If disconnect_cb is a function, it is called (with leftover data as
	# 	argument) when the socket is closed.  If not set, it will
	# 	raise EOFError when the socket closes.
	# Set or change disconnect_cb.  Set to None to raise EOFError on close.
	# Close connection.
	# Send a string of data.
data = s.recv(maxsize = 4096)
	# Receive at most maxsize bytes.
s.read(callback, maxsize = 4096)
	# Let the main loop wait for data, read it, and call the callback when it arrives.
	# Like read, but don't read the data.
s.readlines(callback, maxsize = 4096):
	# Like read, but the data is buffered and the callback is called once
	# per received line ('\n'-separated).
	# The newline is not passed to the callback.
data = s.unread()
	# Stop read callback; return any unparsed data from the readlines buffer.

s = network.Server(port, obj, address = '', backlog = 5, tls = None, disconnect_cb = None)
	# Start a server. When a new connection is accepted, obj is called with
	# the resulting socket.  You will normally want obj to be a class, so a
	# new object is constructed for each connection.  In its constructor,
	# you should then set a read callback.
	# address is the address to listen on (default everything; it can be
	# set to '' to disable IPv6, to '' to limit connections
	# to localhost, etc.)
	# backlog is the number of connections to allow in the queue while the
	# server didn't accept them yet.
	# If tls is False, the connection will not be encrypted.  Otherwise it
	# will be; a certificate will be created if there is none in the
	# configuration directory (normally ~/.local/share/network/*/).
	# Set a new disconnect callback.
	# Stop the server.

Callback signatures:
Socket.read: cb(bytes)
Socket.rawread: cb()
Socket.readlines: cb(str)	# does not contain newline.
Server.obj: cb(Socket)

When a socket is disconnected, the remote end calls disconnect_cb if set,
otherwise it raises EOFError.  Disconnect_cb can be unset by calling it with

All callbacks (listening, client receiving) are triggered by the glib main
loop, so that must be running to receive the events.  {fg,bg}loop() are
provided so programs using this module don't need to import glib itself.  Gtk
uses the same main loop, so any gtk program will not need to do anything

The server and avahi code will be disabled if the respective modules are not

Simple example for the servers.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# example for network servers.
import network

class Object:
	def __init__(self, socket):
		self.socket = socket
		self.socket.send('Welcome to this server!')
	def line(self, l):
		print('data received: %s' % l)
		self.socket.send('This is a reply.')

server = network.Server(1234, Object)


And for the clients.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# example for network clients.
import network

client = network.Socket('localhost:1234')
client.send('This is data.')
print('The server replied: %s' % client.recv())