
vim web developer filetype font unicode icons for NERDTree and vim-airline

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Adds filetype glyphs (icons) to other vim plugins such as nerdtree and vim-airline.



After installing the patched font and setting the vim font just open nerdtree or look at vim-airline (statusline or tabline).

  • NOTE: if you don't have a vim font set and are not running gvim you will need to set the terminal font.

Font Configuration

  • The ONLY configuration needed should be setting the font vim uses to a patched font.

Already patched fonts and the font patcher script are provided at: nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher

It works without configuration ONLY when used with a patched font provided in the separate repository above. Install the font and add it to your vimrc or gvimrc:

set guifont=<FONT_NAME> <FONT_SIZE>


set guifont=Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ Plus\ Nerd\ File\ Types\ 11



  • NERDTree:


  • vim-airline

  • statusline image

  • tabline image

  • Different patched fonts example:


  • Glyph set test file



  • show developer file type glyphs from a font in various vim plugins, currently supports:
  • Adds a global config map of characters to file extensions (or entire filenames)
  • customizable and extendable filetype detections
    • ability to override predefined dictionary variable
    • if you are unhappy with the default glyph used you can choose your own
  • supports a range of file type extensions by default:
    • styl, scss, htm, html, css, less, md, json, js, rb, php, py , coffee ,mustache, hbs, conf, ini, yml, jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, gif, ai, twig, cpp
  • supports full filename matches, by default:
    • gruntfile.coffee, gruntfile.js, gruntfile.ls, gulpfile.coffee, gulpfile.js, gulpfile.ls
  • font patcher (nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher)
    • requires: python2, python-fontforge package
    • example usage

      ./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf

Extra Configuration

  • by default you should not NEED to configure anything to get the basics working

    • NOTE: You NEED to use one of the patched font provided or patch your own (nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher) unless you want to configure the filetype to glyph mappings yourself for your current font
  • these options can be defined in your vimrc or gvimrc

  • the following options are provided however for overriding

  • enable/disable loading the plugin (default 1)

let g:webdevicons_enable = 1

  • enable/disable adding the flags to NERDTree (default 1)

let g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree = 1

  • enable/disable adding to vim-airline's tabline (default 1)

let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline = 1

  • enable/disable adding to vim-airline's statusline (default 1)

let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline = 1

  • turn on/off file node glpyh decorations (not particularly useful)

let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodes = 1

character mappings

  • change the default character when no match found

let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol = 'x'

  • change the default dictionary mappings for file extension matches

let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols = { 'js': 'mycoolJSfontglyph' }

  • change the default dictionary mappings for exact file node matches

let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols = { 'MyReallyCoolFile.okay': 'myreallycoolglyph' }

  • add or override individual additional filetypes

let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['myext'] = 'mysymbol'


This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:

  • Pathogen
  • git clone https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-webdevicons ~/.vim/bundle/vim-webdevicons
  • NeoBundle
  • NeoBundle 'ryanoasis/vim-webdevicons'
  • Vundle
  • Plugin 'ryanoasis/vim-webdevicons'
  • manual
  • copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory


  • more filetypes to support
  • make sure it works properly and does not conflict with nerdtree-git-plugin
  • customize filetype icon colors
  • more customization options in general

FAQ / Troubleshooting

  • I don't want to use any of the fonts provided, I want to use font ABC

  • try the font patcher: nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher

  • see font configuration above for more details

  • It isn't working

    • Are you using the patched font provided in the separate repo (nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher) or are you patching your own?

    • NOTE: if running vim and no font set it will default to the terminal font that is set

    • check what the vim/gvim font is set to, from ex mode:

      :set guifont?

    • check if the plugin is loaded (should give '1'), from ex mode:

      :echo loaded_webdevicons

    • check if the plugin is enabled (should give '1'), from ex mode:

      :echo g:webdevicons_enable

    • check if the plugin is enabled for NERDTree (should give '1'), from ex mode:

      • this should NOT need to be set under normal circumstances

      :echo g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree

    • check if you are able to see the characters, from ex mode:

      :echo g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol

    • if all this looks correct you may try this to see if any files show flags

      • last resort, see if you can even set the default symbol and have it display anywhere (NERDTree, vim-airline's statusline, vim-airlines's tabline), from ex mode:

      :let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol='x'

  • @todo: more specific FAQ and Troubleshooting help


Contributions and pull requests are welcome.

No real formal process has been setup - just stick to general good conventions for now.


After seeing the awesome theme for Atom (seti-ui) and the awesome plugins work done for NERDTree and vim-airline and wanting something like this for Vim I decided to create my first plugin.

Inspiration and special thanks
