
Mirror from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/extensions/CommunityConfiguration. Please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Community configuration 2.0: Backend extension

This extension is a part of the Community configuration 2.0 project of the Wikimedia Foundation's Growth team. It backs Community configuration itself and is accompanied by the CommunityConfigurationExample as an example usage of Community configuration in a feature.

Setting up locally

An end to end setup of Community configuration depends on three components:

  • This extension, CommunityConfiguration
  • The example usage in CommunityConfigurationExample

To set up Community configuration 2.0, please follow those instructions:

# clone the necessary extensions
core $ git clone https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/growth/community-configuration-example extensions/CommunityConfigurationExample
core $ git clone https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/growth/community-configuration extensions/CommunityConfiguration
# enable extensions in LocalSettings.php
core $ echo "wfLoadExtensions( ['CommunityConfiguration', 'CommunityConfigurationExample' ] );" >> LocalSettings.php

Once done, you should be able to access CommunityConfiguration from Special:CommunityConfigurationExample. Interacting with the Community configuration interface should be also working:

core $ php maintenance/run.php shell
> $config = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->get('CommunityConfiguration.ProviderFactory')->newProvider('static-example')->loadValidConfiguration()
= StatusValue {#5739
    +value: [
      "wgFooBar" => 42,
    +success: [],
    +successCount: 0,
    +failCount: 0,

> $config->isOK()
= true

> $config->getValue()
= [
    "wgFooBar" => 42,


Json validation example

For a given JSON schema defintion, eg: community-configuration-example/src/Schemas/schema_draft-07.json

core $ php maintenance/run.php shell
> $provider = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->get('CommunityConfiguration.ProviderFactory')->newProvider('FooBar');
= MediaWiki\Extension\CommunityConfiguration\Provider\DataConfigurationProvider {#5696}

> $provider->getValidator()->validate( [ 'FooBar' => 1 ] )->isOk();
= false

> $provider->getValidator()->validate( [ 'FooBar' => 1 ] )->getErrors();
= [
      "type" => "error",
      "message" => "communityconfiguration-schema-validation-error",
      "params" => [
        "The data (integer) must match the type: string",
        Opis\JsonSchema\Errors\ValidationError {#6802},

