As an R package, ECharts2Shiny can help embed the interactive charts plotted by ECharts library into our Shiny application. Currently, we can support
- Pie charts
- Line charts
- Bar charts
- Scatter plots
- Radar chart
- Gauge
- Word Cloud
- Heat Map
(As this package is under active development, it's recommended to install the latest development version from GitHub, instead of the CRAN version.)
From CRAN,
For the latest development version, please install from GitHub
# Prepare sample data for plotting --------------------------
dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3),
c(2, 4, 6))
names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B")
row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3")
# Server function -------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# Call functions from ECharts2Shiny to render charts
renderBarChart(div_id = "test", grid_left = '1%', direction = "vertical",
data = dat)
# UI layout -------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
# We MUST load the ECharts javascript library in advance
tags$div(id="test", style="width:50%;height:400px;"),
deliverChart(div_id = "test")
# Run the application --------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
(For more examples, please refer to the /examples
- 1. Basic
- 2. Diverse Plots
- 3. More Options in Basic Charts
- 4. Scatter
- 5. Use Reactive Values as Data Input
- 6. Radar Chart
- 7. Word Cloud - Basic
- 8. Word Cloud - More Shapes
- 9. Word Cloud - Use Vector as Data Input
- 10. Line Chart with Diverse Options
- 11. Scatter with point.type Argument
- 12. Step Line Chart
- 13. Deal with Missing Values
- 14. Heat Map
ECharts2Shiny package itself is under GPL-2.
The ECharts JS library is under BSD license (ECharts).
- 饼图 (pie chart)
- 折线图 (line chart)
- 柱形图 (bar chart)
- 散点图 (scatter chart)
- 雷达图 (radar chart)
- 仪表盘 (gauge)
- 词云 (word cloud)
- 热力图 (heat map)
# Prepare sample data for plotting --------------------------
dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3),
c(2, 4, 6))
names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B")
row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3")
# Server function -------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# Call functions from ECharts2Shiny to render charts
renderBarChart(div_id = "test", grid_left = '1%', direction = "vertical",
data = dat)
# UI layout -------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
# We MUST load the ECharts javascript library in advance
tags$div(id="test", style="width:50%;height:400px;"),
deliverChart(div_id = "test")
# Run the application --------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
- 1. Basic
- 2. Diverse Plots
- 3. More Options in Basic Charts
- 4. Scatter
- 5. Use Reactive Values as Data Input
- 6. Radar Chart
- 7. Word Cloud - Basic
- 8. Word Cloud - More Shapes
- 9. Word Cloud - Use Vector as Data Input
- 10. Line Chart with Diverse Options
- 11. Scatter with point.type Argument
- 12. Step Line Chart
- 13. Deal with Missing Values
- 14. Heat Map
ECharts2Shiny 包使用GLP-2许可证。
The ECharts JS库使用BSD许可证(ECharts)。