
Stablecoin Wallet

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Stablecoin Wallet

Stablecoin Wallet is a DAI Token wallet that functions as a WooCommerce payment processing method and facilitates simple transfers between users within the system. It relies on no third-party services, directly interfacing by RPC with your own Ethereum node.


Stablecoin Wallet is a WordPress plugin that depends on WooCommerce and RPC access to an Ethereum node.

PHP 7.3+ (w/ php-bcmath and php-curl extensions) Composer 1.8+ WordPress 5.4+ WooCommerce 4.2+


Ubuntu Server

The libraries depend on a couple php extensions you may not already have installed.

sudo apt-get install php-bcmath php-curl
cd wp-content/plugins/
git clone --recursive https://www.github.com/wikitopian/scwallet.git
cd scwallet

One library depends on having composer installed.

sudo apt-get install composer
composer install

The styling depends on SASS, and requires recompiling every time it's changed.

sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential rubygems
sudo gem install sass
cd scwallet/styles/
sass --watch scwallet.scss:scwallet.css

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
