
Boilerplate project for Quasar 2 implementing Firebase Auth and Storage.

Primary LanguageVue

Quasar 2 Firebase Auth and Storage Boilerplate

Boilerplate / project starter.

Live demo: https://xenodochial-clarke-616008.netlify.app

Quasar 2.0 integration with firebase auth and storage (user profiles/photo upload/login/register/password reset).

This is code from https://github.com/quasarframework/firebase-sample-apps adapted for Quasar 2.0.3 and Vue 3.

For information how all parts work together check out --> https://dev.to/quasar/to-the-stars-with-quasar-firebase-initial-service-structure-1fcf

If you already know what you are doing and just want to jump into extending it / adding new screens:

Install the dependencies


Create new project on firebase and go to console. Then:

  1. Enable auth (for email, maybe facebook/google if I managed to implement it already).
  2. Create storage with rules (for photos).
  3. Create firestore database.

For more information check -> https://dev.to/quasar/to-the-stars-with-quasar-firebase-initial-service-structure-1fcf

Add your firebase API keys to .env.

Example what you will need:

# DEV_DATA_BASE_URL=https://quasar-firebase-161e8.firebaseio.com

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

QENV=DEV quasar dev

Build the app for production

QENV=PROD quasar build

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.