
Yeoman generator for kraken.js apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Yeoman generator for Kraken applications.

Build Status NPM version

Getting Started


$ npm install -g yo generator-kraken


yo kraken [appName] Creates a new kraken application. Optional parameter appName creates the application using the supplied name.

yo kraken:page myPage
Generates a new controller, model, content bundle, and template named myPage.

yo kraken:controller myController
Generates a new controller named myController.

yo kraken:model myModel
Generates a new model named myModel.

yo kraken:template myTemplate
Generates a new template named myTemplate.

yo kraken:locale myFile myCountry myLang
Generates a new content bundle named myFile. Both myCountry and myLang are optional.


Apache 2.0