
Combining Perennial and Dafny with a verified journal

Primary LanguageDafnyMIT LicenseMIT



Verifying crash-safe, concurrent code with sequential proofs. The goal is to connect goose-nfsd's verified journal with sequential verification in Dafny: the idea is that the journal should make reasoning sequential, in which case we can prove applications correct using only sequential reasoning in a productive proof system like Dafny while carrying out the complicated concurrency and crash-safety reasoning in Perennial.


Notes on research directions

Spec for journal interface, assuming 2PL

Bank example

File-system example


Run make verify to verify everything and make compile to compile the file-system and bank examples to Go (the generated code goes into dafnygen/).

You'll need Dafny 3:

  • On Arch Linux you can get dafny-bin from the AUR
  • On macOS use brew install dafny
  • For other systems the easiest solution is to download a binary release from https://github.com/dafny-lang/dafny/releases, extract it, and add it to your $PATH (this is what we have to do in CI, which runs on Ubuntu 20.04).

Compilation additionally depends on goimports to remove unused imports:

go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

Then you can run some sanity tests over the bank and file-system examples. These are ordinary Go tests that import the code generated from Dafny and run it, linking with goose-nfsd, specifically with its twophase package. To run these tests, after compiling with make compile, run:

go test -v ./tests

Running the NFS server

You'll need some basic utilities: the rpcbind service to tell the server what port to run on, and the NFS client utilities to mount the file system. On Arch Linux these are available using pacman -S rpcbind nfs-utils and on Ubuntu you can use apt-get install rpcbind nfs-common.

You might need to start the rpcbind service with systemctl start rpcbind. The rpcinfo -p command is useful for verifying that an rpcbind service is running on port 111.

Now run go run ./cmd/dafny-nfsd to start the server and sudo mount localhost:/ /mnt/x to mount it using the Linux NFS client.

On macOS you already have rpcbind and the NFS client utilities, but you'll need to start a couple services with:

sudo launchctl start com.apple.rpcbind
sudo launchctl start com.apple.lockd


We provide a library at dafny_go that exports some external APIs that are axiomatized using {:extern} modules, classes, and methods in Dafny. Some of these are core primitives, like []byte and little-endian encoding, while the big one is the jrnl package which interfaces between Dafny and github.com/mit-pdos/goose-nfsd/txn.

The support library is trusted and hence its agreement with the Dafny spec is important.

You can run tests for this support library with go test:

go test ./dafny_go/...