
A port of MiniPRL to Coq

Primary LanguageCoq


This is a Coq port of MiniPRL. A longer term goal is to implement some of the ideas of Verified NuPRL by showing the rules of the proof theory sound with respect to the underlying computation system and its type theory.

Build instructions


This project requires Coq 8.5pl1 (might work with other versions of Coq 8.5, but certianly not with older versions). It furthermore depends on the StructTact library. Dependencies are detected by the configure script. If you install StructTact as a sibling directory to this project, it will be detected automatically. Otherwise you will need to edit StructTact_PATH in configure.

Example commands

Something like the following should work assuming a standard unix system with Coq 8.5pl1 installed.

    # begin in the root directory of this repository

    # skip this part if you already have StructTact
    cd ..
    git clone git@github.com:uwplse/StructTact.git
    cd StructTact

    cd ../miniprl-coq