
Flutter installer

Primary LanguageShell


This script will install android sdk and flutter sdk on ~/Android. If you select install with Android Studio, Android Studio will installed on /opt/android-studio

Flutter installer


Arch linux based OS (Pacman).

Debian 11 based OS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS based OS or newer (APT).

bash, zsh or fish shell.

To Install

  1. Clone this repository and run install.sh
git clone https://github.com/wildan-pratama/flutter-install.git
cd flutter-install

  1. Follow step installation on script


After installation

If you want change your shell, you must put your path manualy

# from fish to bash/zsh
## add this line to your .bashrc or .zshrc, if already exits you can skip
source $HOME/Android/flutterrc

# from bash/zsh to fish
## add this line to ~/.config/fish/config.fish, if already exits you can skip
source $HOME/Android/flutter.fish

You can set browser for flutter web on ~Android/flutterrc or ~/Android/flutter.fish

# fish
## remove comment (#) and edit this line on ~/Android/flutter.fish
set -x CHROME_EXECUTABLE "/path/to/your/browser"

# bash/zsh
## remove comment (#) and edit this line on ~Android/flutterrc
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE="/path/to/your/browser"