
Run the Hashistack on Raspberry Pis.

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Run the Hashistack on a Raspberry Pi Cluster

This project has two goals

1. Run docker containers on a cluster of Raspberry Pis.
2. Keep maintenance burden as low as possible by using the Hashistack and "boring" tools.

Installs and configures Vault, Consul, and Nomad w/ Docker to run on a cluster of Raspberry Pis. A cluster of Raspberry Pis can be referred to as a Bramble. Thus the name ansible-hashistack-bramble.

Optionally, the Amazon SSM agent, collectd, and fluentbit can be installed for additional monitoring.

Originally inspired by https://github.com/geerlingguy/raspberry-pi-dramble and https://github.com/mockingbirdconsulting/HashicorpAtHome.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Repo Layout

$ tree -L 1
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory
├── play_main.yml
├── play_setup.yml
├── requirements.yml
├── roles
├── subplay_collectd.yml
├── subplay_fluentbit.yml
├── subplay_ssm.yml
├── subplay_static_network.yml
├── subplay_wifi.yml
├── tasks
├── templates
└── vaulted_vars

There are two main playbooks

  • play_main.yml
    • Install Consul, Vault, Docker, and Nomad.
  • play_setup.yml
    • Imports subplay_static_network.yml, subplay_wifi.yml, subplay_collectd.yml, subplay_fluentbit.yml, and subplay_ssm.yml.

and five smaller playbooks

  • subplay_static_network.yml
  • subplay_wifi.yml
    • Configure wifi.
  • subplay_collectd.yml
    • Install and configure collectd. Modify templates/collectd.conf.j2 as needed.
  • subplay_fluentbit.yml
    • Install and configure fluentbit.
  • subplay_ssm.yml
    • Install and configure Amazon SSM Agent.

Quick Start Guide

1 - Install dependencies

  1. Install Ansible.
  2. Install role dependencies: make roles

2 - Modify group variables

Place non-sensitive group variables in inventory/group_vars and sensitive group variables in vaulted_vars.

For datadog configuration, create a vaulted_vars/datadog_sensitive.yml file and add the following

datadog_api_key: "DATADOG_API_KEY"

For nomad configuration, create a vaulted_vars/nomad_sensitive.yml file and add the root vault token after vault has been initialized

nomad_vault_token: "VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN"

For amazon ssm agent configuration, create a vaulted_vars/ssm_agent_sensitive.yml file and add the following

amazon_ssm_ec2_region: "SSM_REGION"
amazon_ssm_activation_code: "SSM_ACTIVATION_CODE"
amazon_ssm_activation_id: "SSM_ACTIVATION_ID"

For wifi configuration, create a vaulted_vars/wpa_supplicant_sensitive.yml file and add your wifi configuration

  - ssid: ROUTER_SSID

3 - Configure to use a static IP

It's required to configure your machine to use a static IP. For mac, this requires configuring Ethernet under Network Settings. For example:

Configure IPv4: Manually
IP Address
Subnet Mask:
Router:         <empty>

Configure IPv6: Link-local only

4 - Discover hosts

Discover hosts by pinging the multicast address for all nodes. This assumes devices you want to connect to and your computer are on the same bridge. For mac, use the en0 interface and use the following to identify ipv6 hosts

myself=$(ifconfig en0 | grep -w 'inet6' | awk '{print $2}')
ipv6_hosts=$(ping6 -c2 -I en0 ff02::1 | grep icmp_seq | grep -v $myself | cut -d, -f1 | awk '{print $NF}')
echo $ipv6_hosts

Then add these hosts to inventory/hosts. For example:

pi01.bramble.local ansible_host=fe80::dd16:ac4e:a633:edbb%en0

pi01.bramble.local consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true


pi01.bramble.local nomad_node_role=both

Update inventory/group_vars/all.yml with the eth0 mac address, hostname, and static ip

    hostname: "pi01"
    ip: ""

See inventory/README.md for additional host configurations

5 - Apply all playbooks

# Optional: Ping all hosts first
# make ping

# Optional: Inspect wlan0 status
# ansible all -i inventory -m shell -a '/sbin/ifconfig wlan0'

# Configure Static Networking, WiFi, and Amazon SSM Agent
make setup
# Install and Configure Vault, Consul, and Nomad w/ Docker
make main

Vault will need to be unsealed if already initialized. Visit

to list all of the vault instances and unseal each instance

6 - Visit Dashboards

Below is a table of how to locate dashboards.

Description URL

Consul DNS Queries

Examples on how to query consul via dns.

Querying Nodes

Query Format


Get the ip address of pi01.

dig +short @ -p 8600 pi01.node.homeserver.consul.

Ref: https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/dns.html#node-lookups

Querying Services

Query Format


Get the ip address of the active vault instance.

dig +short @ -p 8600 active.vault.service.homeserver.consul.

Ref: https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/dns.html#standard-lookup

Copy Logs to Host Machine

It's easier to analyze logs on your desktop than over SSH. Copy logs to your desktop machine from pi01 with the following commands

ssh pi@pi01 "sudo tar cvzf - /var/log" > var_logs.tar.gz
ssh pi@pi01 "sudo -- sh -c 'find /var/lib/docker/containers -name '*.log' -print0 | xargs -0 tar cvzf -'" > containers_logs.tar.gz

Bonus: Build Custom Raspbian Image with Packer

Can be paired with https://github.com/jason-riddle/packer-build-raspbian-os for creating custom Raspbian OS images.