Python Databricks Job Tutorial

This tutorial is for those who have only a limited experience with Python (or perhaps some experience with another dynamic language), and want to learn about writing and deploying jobs targeted for a Spark (pyspark) platform, and more specifically a Databricks Spark platform.

In these sets of tutorials we'll build a simple Spark job which reads and writes data to Hive tables and performs transformations using PySpark. We'll show some ways to separate concerns in a job to improve maintainability and show how a Databricks Spark job can be tested locally with confidence that it'll work on the cluster. Finally, we show a simple way to deploy the job and run it on a Databricks cluster (this tutorial is specific to Databricks).

The tutorials are split as follows:

  1. Tutorial 0. On branch main. Shows how to set up a simple python project using poetry.
  2. Tutorial 1. On branch tutorial1-set-up-di. We'll set up simple dependency inject container to allow us to DRY out things like Spark sessions and configuration. This will also help us deal with some of the differences between local tests and the cluster.
  3. Tutorial 2. On branch tutorial2-hive-table. We'll be working "inside-out". Developing our repository logic first. In this tutorial we set up our repository layer to allow us to work with Hive tables and Spark data frames.
  4. Tutorial 3. On branch tutorial3-transform. Here, we'll look at some simple transformation logic. While we'll be using PySpark this is not really a PySpark tutorial, so we'll only scratch the PySpark surface.
  5. Tutorial 4. On Branch tutorial4-command-pipeline. Now that we have our repository and transformation logic, the next step is to wire it all up. So, we'll get into commands.
  6. Tutorial 5. On Branch tutorial5-deploy-the-job. Finally, we'll implement the job control logic, and deploy and run the thing.

This tutorial is a collection of branches linked to each other, with each branch dealing with a specific tutorial. You start on main. At the beginning of each tutorial checkout the branch defined at the top of the tutorial.

Tutorial 0: Setting up A Poetry Env

Before we start with the remaining tutorials, let's have a quick look at setting up a python project from scratch.

We'll use poetry to create a new python project.

poetry new random_python_project_using_poetry
cd random_python_project_using_poetry

Now we'll add some dependencies. Firstly, to set up the dev packages.

poetry add pytest --group dev
poetry add pdbpp --group dev
poetry add pytest-env --group dev

We can also add any python project from GIT.

poetry add git+

To do anything with Spark and Databricks we'll add the common pyspark and delta libraries

poetry add pyspark
poetry add delta-spark

We're going to be using pymonad (for monads), pino (for structured logging), and a DI container.

poetry add PyMonad
poetry add pino
poetry add dependency-injector

The dependencies are defined in the pyproject.toml with the versions of each dependency in poetry.lock

pyproject.toml should now look like this.

name = "random-python-project-using-poetry"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Col Perks <>"]
readme = ""
packages = [{include = "random_python_project_using_poetry"}]

python = "^3.9"
databricker = {git = "", rev = "main"}
jobsworth = {git = "", rev = "main"}
pyspark = "^3.3.0"
delta-spark = "^2.1.0"
PyMonad = "^2.4.0"
pino = "^0.6.0"
dependency-injector = "^4.40.0"

pytest = "^7.1.3"
pdbpp = "^0.10.3"
pytest-env = "^0.6.2"
databricks-cli = "^0.17.3"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Setting up the next tutorial

OK. We're now ready to clone this repo and start the tutorial. Remove the test project.

rm -rf random_python_project_using_poetry
git clone
git checkout main
poetry install