
:book: Guide for students and friends of the Wildlife Evolutionary Ecology Lab

Primary LanguageTeXGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Wildlife Evolutionary Ecology Lab: Guide



This guide is for students and friends of the Wildlife Evolutionary Ecology Lab. At the moment, it walks through some of the steps from setting up your computer, to analysis and visualization, to writing and sharing your outcomes with others. Some parts of the guide present the authors’ opinions - but there’s always a number of ways to do something. Use whatever works best for you. This is a living resource, so please contribute anything you feel would be useful to others.

Feedback, suggestions, comments here.

Source code for this book is here.

The lab’s website is at https://weel.gitlab.io/. You can find us as WEEL_grp on GitLab and wildlifeevoeco on GitHub, as well as wildlifeevoeco on Twitter.

The book is currently organized as follows:

I Setup
II. Analysis
III. Visualization
IV. Writing
V. Open research
VI. Repositories
VII. Etc


  • see WIPs throughout

  • field work

  • issa

  • general data things: no spaces in column names, no weird characters

  • reshaping melt/dcast with data.table

  • lapply rbindlist