
VRML PROTO (based on IndexedFaceSet) that generates a rounded rectangle geometry.

EXTERNPROTO RoundedRectangle [
	exposedField  SFVec2f  size
	exposedField  SFFloat  radius
	field         SFBool   solid
] "proto.RoundedRectangle.wrl#RoundedRectangle"

Property size

Width & height of the inner area of the rounded rectangle.

You could use MonospaceText.bboxSize to fit a tooltip around an arbitrary text.


  • Field Type: exposedField
  • Data Type: SFVec3f
  • Default Value: 2 2

Property radius

Radius of the rounded border of the rectangle.


  • Field Type: exposedField
  • Data Type: SFVec3f
  • Default Value: 1

Property solid

Like IndexedFaceSet.solid, renders both sides (FALSE) or only the front side (TRUE).


  • Field Type: field
  • Data Type: SFBool
  • Default Value: TRUE