
Library that exposes obscured Addons and adds GetAddons()

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Library that exposes obscured Addons and adds two methods to Apollo:

  • GetAddons()
  • GetReplacement(strAddonName)


This returns a list of all addons that Wildstar is aware of. It does not know their state (loaded or not)


local tAddonNames = Apollo.GetAddons()
for k,v in ipairs(tAddonNames) do


This returns a table containing all addons that have indicated they replace the addon named strAddonName or an empty table if not replaced

###Usage Example use for determining what to do when an addon (Chatlog in this example) is replaced:

local tReplacementAddons = {

function MyAddon:OnDependencyError(strDep, strError)
    if strDep == "ChatLog" then
        local tReplacements = Apollo.GetReplacement(strDep)
        if #tReplacements ~= 1 or not tReplacementAddons[tReplacements[1]] then
            return false
        -- Do something specific to whatever replaced ChatLog
        return true
    return false

function MyAddon:Init()
    local bHasConfigureFunction = false
    local strConfigureButtonText = ""
    local tDependencies = {
        -- "UnitOrPackageName",
    Apollo.RegisterAddon(self, bHasConfigureButton, strConfigureButtonText, tDependencies)

##Apollo.GetAddon extension

This library makes Apollo.GetAddon work for the following addons:

Addon Name Purpose
ArenaTeamRegister Registration of an Arena Team
ChallengeLog Challenge section of Codex
ChallengeRewardPanel Reward Panel seen when a Challenge reward is chosen
CircleRegistration Registration of a Circle
DecorPreview Preview of Decor
FloatTextPanel Various Float Texts
GroupDisplayOptions Group Options (Invite/Loot)
HousingDatachron Housing Menu
HousingLandscape Housing Landscape
HousingList Placed Decor List
HousingRemodel Housing Remodel
HUDInteract HUD Interact (F)
ImprovedSalvage Item Salvage All Addon
ItemPreview Item Preview Window (Ctrl + right click)
Mannequin Housing Mannequins
PathExplorerMissions Explorer Path Missions
PathScientistCustomize Scientest Scanbot Customization
PathScientistExperimentation Scientiest Experimentation
PathSettlerMissions Settler Path Missions
PathSoldierMissions Soldier Path Missions
PlugPreview Preview of Housing Plugs
TradeskillContainer Holds the 3 Tradeskill Forms
TradeskillSchematics Tradeskill Schematics
TradeskillTalents Tradeskill Talents
TutorialPrompts Tutorials
WarpartyBattle Warparty Layout and Boss Tokens
WarpartyRegister Registration of a Warparty


GetAddon may not return anything for one of the above addons if it has not initialized yet.

Example: TradeskillTalents will not be accessible until the GenericEvent_InitializeTradeskillTalents event has fired.

However you can register for the "ObscuredAddonVisible" event which will be fired when addons can be retrieved with GetAddon.

The event will contain the name of the addon as the only argument.