
Lightweight PHP7 CLI output cololizer

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight PHP7 CLI output colorizer

  • Available via composer require wilensky/cli-colorizer
  • PHP7 compliant
  • PSR2 compliant
  • Lightweight
  • Documented
  • Compatible with native linux tail and cat commands


For ease of use CliColorizer can/should be aliased with help of use statement.


use Wilensky/CliColorizer as WCC;

Changing text color

Regular method

echo WCC::fgYellow('YoHoHo').PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be yellowed on default background

All available foregroung color @methods are listed under the class docblock with fg* prefix.

Advanced method

$answer = true;
$isOk = $answer === true;

echo WCC::fg(
	$isOk ? 'Yes' : 'No',
	$isOk ? 'green' : 'red'

Changing background color

Regular method

echo WCC::bgCyan('YoHoHo').PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be displayed on cyan background with default foreground color

All availabe backgorund color @methods are listed under the class docblock with bg* prefix.

Advanced method

$error = true;
$hasError = $error === true;

echo WCC::bg(
	$hasError ? 'Failed' : 'Ready',
	$hasError ? 'red' : 'black'

Mixing fore and background colors

echo WCC::bgGreen(WCC::fgYellow('YoHoHo')).PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be displayed as yellow text on green background
echo WCC::fgYellow(WCC::bgGreen('YoHoHo')).PHP_EOL; // Produces same output as invocation priority doesn't matter for display

Making text bold

echo WCC::bold('YoHoHo').PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be displayed bold with default fore/background colors

Making bold colors

echo WCC::bold(WCC::fgYellow('YoHoHo')).PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be bold yellow
echo WCC::fgYellow(WCC::bold('YoHoHo')).PHP_EOL; // Produces same output
echo WCC::bold(WCC::bgCyan('YoHoHo')).PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be bold with default color on cyan background
echo WCC::bold(WCC::fgYellow(WCC::bgCyan('YoHoHo'))).PHP_EOL; // YoHoHo will be bold yellow on cyan background