
🌪️ TornadoVM: A practical and efficient heterogeneous programming framework for managed languages

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


TornadoVM is a practical heterogeneous programming framework for automatically accelerating Java programs on heterogeneous (OpenCL-compatible) hardware.


How to start?

The INSTALL page contains instructions on how to install TornadoVM while the Examples page includes examples regarding running Java programs on GPUs. We also maintain a live TornadoVM whitepaper document which you can download here.

Selected Publications

  • Juan Fumero, Michail Papadimitriou, Foivos Zakkak, Maria Xekalaki, James Clarkson, Christos Kotselidis. Dynamic Application Reconfiguration on Heterogeneous Hardware. To appear in Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) 2019, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, 2019.

  • James Clarkson, Juan Fumero, Michalis Papadimitriou, Foivos S. Zakkak, Maria Xekalaki, Christos Kotselidis, Mikel Luján (The University of Manchester). Exploiting High-Performance Heterogeneous Hardware for Java Programs using Graal. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtime. preprint

  • Sajad Saeedi, Bruno Bodin, Harry Wagstaff, Andy Nisbet, Luigi Nardi, John Mawer, Nicolas Melot, Oscar Palomar, Emanuele Vespa, Tom Spink, Cosmin Gorgovan, Andrew Webb, James Clarkson, Erik Tomusk, Thomas Debrunner, Kuba Kaszyk, Pablo Gonzalez-de-Aledo, Andrey Rodchenko, Graham Riley, Christos Kotselidis, Björn Franke, Michael FP O'Boyle, Andrew J Davison, Paul HJ Kelly, Mikel Luján, Steve Furber. Navigating the Landscape for Real-Time Localization and Mapping for Robotics and Virtual and Augmented Reality. In Proceedings of the IEEE, 2018.

  • C. Kotselidis, J. Clarkson, A. Rodchenko, A. Nisbet, J. Mawer, and M. Luján. Heterogeneous Managed Runtime Systems: A Computer Vision Case Study. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, VEE ’17, link


If you are using TornadoVM 0.2 (which includes the Dynamic Reconfiguration, the Initial FPGA support and CPU/GPU reductions), please use the following citation:

 author = {Juan Fumero, Michail Papadimitriou, Foivos Zakkak, Maria Xekalaki, James Clarkson, Christos Kotselidis},
 title = {{Dynamic Application Reconfiguration on Heterogeneous Hardware.}},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments},
 series = {VEE '19},
 year = {2019},
 publisher = {ACM},

If you are using Tornado 0.1 (Initial release), please use the following citation in your work.

 author = {Clarkson, James and Fumero, Juan and Papadimitriou, Michail and Zakkak, Foivos S. and Xekalaki, Maria and Kotselidis, Christos and Luj\'{a}n, Mikel},
 title = {{Exploiting High-performance Heterogeneous Hardware for Java Programs Using Graal}},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Managed Languages \& Runtimes},
 series = {ManLang '18},
 year = {2018},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-6424-9},
 location = {Linz, Austria},
 pages = {4:1--4:13},
 articleno = {4},
 numpages = {13},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3237009.3237016},
 doi = {10.1145/3237009.3237016},
 acmid = {3237016},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Java, graal, heterogeneous hardware, openCL, virtual machine},


This work was initially supported by the EPSRC grants PAMELA EP/K008730/1 and AnyScale Apps EP/L000725/1, and now it is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 E2Data 780245 and the EU Horizon 2020 ACTiCLOUD 732366 grants.


We welcome collaborations! Please see how to contribute in the CONTRIBUTIONS.

For academic collaborations please contact Christos Kotselidis.

Users Mailing list

A mailing list is also available to discuss Tornado related issues:



This work was originated by James Clarkson under the joint supervision of Mikel Luján and Christos Kotselidis. Currently, this project is maintained and updated by the following contributors:


To use TornadoVM, you can link the Tornado API to your application which is under the CLASSPATH Exception of GPLv2.0.

Each TornadoVM module is licensed as follows:

Module License
Tornado-Runtime License: GPL v2 + CLASSPATH Exception
Tornado-Assembly License: GPL v2 + CLASSPATH Exception
Tornado-Drivers License: GPL v2 + CLASSPATH Exception
Torando-API License: GPL v2 + CLASSPATH Exception
Tornado-Drivers-OpenCL-Headers License: MIT
Tornado-scripts License: GPL v2
Tornado-Unittests License
Tornado-Benchmarks License
Tornado-Examples License
Tornado-Matrices License