
A Python Flask app which tracks skills used in various projects

Primary LanguagePython

Project Dashboard API

A Python Flask app which tracks skills used in various projects

cicd cloud run workflow

Front-end React TypeScript project can be found here


  • Make sure you have installed Python 3, and pip
python3 --version # prints Python 3 version
pip3 --version # prints pip version

Run app locally

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv # create new virtual environment venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate venv
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # installs python packages
python3 manage.py # visit app at http://localhost:8080/ping
deactivate # deactivates venv

Install new packages

pip3 install boto # installs new Python package
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt # updates requirements.txt


gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/<PROJECT-ID>/python-flask-gcp


  • Create two secrets on Secrets Manager named jwt-secret, and mongo-db-connection-string

  • Deploy to Cloud Run by running:

gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/<PROJECT-ID>/python-flask-gcp --platform managed
  • Allow Cloud Run service access to the secrets as secret environment variables. See GCP Cloud Run documentation here


pytest --cov=api


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate

If you find this project helpful, please give a or even better buy me a coffee 👇 because I'm a caffeine addict 😅

Buy Me A Coffee
