
This is the list of C# learning resources that I have been compiling since I started learning C# a few months ago. Don't hesitate to come up with suggestions on adding other useful resources like blogs, articles etc.

As you might expect, I haven't read all of the books mentioned below. Yet my list is based on plenty of recommendations and discussions on Reddit, Quora, Stackoverflow and many other websites.

Here are my personal recommendations on starting out with C#:

  • If C# is your first programming language, start with The C# Player's Guide. This is a very good introduction to both programming and the C# language. This book, however, is no similar to the famous Head First series (which I don't like). You will not see any funny sketches (but there's plenty of humour). Nevertheless, having read The C# Player's Guide you can proceed with a more comprehensive and advanced book to expand your knowledge.

  • If you have some programming background (especially in C-style languages), the best option I can recommend is Pro C# 7 by Troelsen. This book is packed with tons of information not only on C#, but also on a range of adjacent technologies. The author starts from scratch with a long explanation of the history and structure of the programming language, the standard workflow and then gradually builds the foundation for more advanced stuff. Even if you don't have any programming experience, you can't go wrong with this book. Just don't expect the author to spend a lot of time on explaining how for-loops or conditionals work.

  • Don't forget that the official documentation is a terrific source of information. Read C# Programming Guide alongside with your book of choice to deepen your understanding. What I like best about MSDN is that there are numerous examples from which you can learn the best practices.

Best of luck!




