
A front-end point-and-click survival-based game, featuring multiple difficulty levels suited for casual players to serious gamers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ESCAPE FROM HAUNTED HILL : https://wilfredloh.github.io/escape-game/

  1. Problem Statement

    • The goal of this game was to get players to be engaged in the game for a minimum duration of 5 mins.
    • The game is meant to be played multiple times to allow some replayability, and to get players to solve riddles that provides a sense of accomplishment when they complete the game.
  2. Technologies / Skills

    • Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript & DOM Manipulation
    • Skills: Game design, copywriting, story-creation
  3. Approach

    • Research games within the scope of the unit
    • Narrowed down to story-based or RPG-based games
    • Planning structure for level 1
    • Write the code using technologies above
    • Testing the code, adding visual/audio elements to enhance user-experience
    • Upload project on Github
  4. What I learnt

    • A lot of code in multiple sections are re-usable, so re-factoring the code once in a while will be helpful to ensure a more clean & efficient code.
    • Plan how many stages/levels before starting to code.
    • CSS is important to ensure game looks professionally-done.
    • User-feedback is crucial to improving the app. Having multiple people test the game allows revision and improves overall user-experience.
    • Committing more and having structure when committing will be useful later on when referencing what has been done.