
A Node.js / Express productive web-app built to track your tasks based on 4 levels of priority. Set goals, track your progress, and motivate yourself with this full-featured application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PLANNR : https://plannr-productive-app.herokuapp.com/

  1. Problem Statement

    • The purpose of this app is to provide users with an alternative to the standard approach that you get with todo-list apps
    • This app allows users to have a quick overview of all the tasks they have at hand, sorted by priorities (1-4)
    • My goal was to make a usable app within the given time that people would actually use in day-to-day activities
  2. Technologies & Frameworks

    • Technologies: Node JS, Express, Postgres & SQL, Mini-React
    • Frameworks: MVC
    • Other: Heroku, Github, Slack, Sublime
  3. Approach Taken

    • Idea generation: get inspiration and research top competitors in a field
    • Creating user stories: identify a persona/user that would actually need this app (eg: someone who wants to have an overview of all tasks as opposed to searching and starring for tasks in one long list)
    • Planning relationships and tables: creating a simple ERD with detailed columns in each table
    • Create wireframe: visualize each page that a user will see including key elements (call-to-actions) and which element a user interacts with
    • Writing the code using technologies written above
    • Testing code, revising with feedback and refactoring
    • Deploying project on Heroku
  4. What I learnt

    • There are an endless amount of features to add.
    • Know how to prioritize based on time and skill constraints.
    • Setting up a solid ERD before beginning will save time later.
    • Having a professional front-end is equally as important.
  5. Installation instructions

    • install node, express and relevant packages
    • install heroku
  6. Wireframe alt_text