
A simple command line utility for easily creating Gists for Github.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Gost is a small command line utility written in Go. It is the result of me being frustrated (and lazy) with having to leave my terminal to create gists on Github.

It does two things:

  1. Uploads a specified file, contents of your clipboard, or piped input as a new Gist.
  2. Returns the resulting URL.


You'll have to compile this on your own, so make sure you have the Go compiler installed on your machine. This utility was written with version 1.6 and should work with prior releases of Go.

  1. Clone into your $GOPATH/src directory.
  2. Fetch all external dependancies with go get -v
  3. Navigate into the $GOPATH/src/github.com/wilhelm-murdoch/gost directory and run go install

If all went well, the executable should now reside within $GOPATH/bin. If you want it available throughout your system, just add $GOPATH/bin to your systems' $PATH.


Gost will create gists for you anonymously out of the box. However, if you want to pair your Github account with your gists, you'll first have to grab a personal API token from Github. You can get one of those from here.

Then, you will have to do one of the following:

  1. Create an enviromental variable entitled GOST and assign your token to it. Gost will automatically find this variable and use it for your gists.
  2. Use the --token flag every time you invoke gost from the command line. Otherwise, your gists will be anonymous and private by default.


You can find usage documentation with the following command:

$: gost --help
Gost - A simple command line utility for easily creating Gists for Github

 gost (--file=<file> | --clip) [--name=<name>] [--description=<description>] [--token=<token>] [--public]
 gost (--help | --version)

  -t --token=<token>             Optional Github API authentication token. If excluded, your Gist will be created anonymously.
  -f --file=<file>               Create a Gist from file.
  -n --name=<name>               Optional name for your new Gist.
  -d --description=<description> Optional description for your new Gist.
  -c --clip                      Create a Gist from the contents of your clipboard.
  -p --public                    Make this Gist public [default: false].
  -h --help                      Will display this help screen.
  -v --version                   Displays the current version of Gost.


Create a private gist:

$: gost --file /path/to/by/file.txt
Gosting Gist ... Done!
Gist URL: https://gist.github.com/234234232

Create a public gist:

$: gost --file /path/to/by/file.txt --public
Gosting Gist ... Done!
Gist URL: https://gist.github.com/234234232

Create a public gist with a custom name and description:

$: gost --file /path/to/by/file.txt --public --name 'My Gosted Gist' --description 'This is quite handy!'
Gosting Gist ... Done!
Gist URL: https://gist.github.com/234234232

Create a gist from the contents of your clipboard:

$: gost --clip
Gosting Gist ... Done!
Gist URL: https://gist.github.com/234234232

Create a gist from command line stdin pipe:

$: date | gost
Gosting Gist ... Done!
Gist URL: https://gist.github.com/234234232