
Scripts to quickly build a Mac Ruby dev environment

Primary LanguageVim Script

Mac Setup

A simple set of scripts used to build a simple Ruby/Rails development machine. Essentially, I reinstall often and puppet and chef are just too much damn owrk for osx.


Before you run this script, which extensively uses Homebrew, you need to the Apple Command Line tools.

xcode-select --install

Then, run this one-liner:

curl -L https://raw.github.com/thatrubylove/macsetup/master/mac || sh

What it sets up

  • SSH public key (for authenticating with services like Github and Heroku)
  • Homebrew (for managing operating system libraries)
  • Git (version control) + Legit (for humanizing commands)
  • Qt (used by Capybara Webkit for headless JavaScript testing)
  • Ack (for finding things in files)
  • Postgres (for storing relational data)
  • ImageMagick (for cropping and resizing images)
  • chruby (for managing versions of the Ruby programming language)
  • Ruby 1.9.3 & 2.1.0 stable (for writing general-purpose code)
  • Bundler gem (for managing Ruby libraries)
  • Rails gem (for writing web applications)
  • Chrome (inspect that madness)
  • VLC (Video be essential and shit)
  • Flowdock (for development chat)
  • Transmission (because torrents are awesome)
  • Dropbox (for persisting files across stupidity)

It should take about 30 minutes for everything to install, depending on your machine and your Internet connection