Cassandra Configrure

refer the comment in the configure

Minimal properties

  • cluster_name should be set
  • listen_address should be local ip, but not localhost
  • commitlog_directory (default: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog) commit log
  • data_file_directories (default: /var/lib/cassandra/data) SSTable
  • saved_caches_directory (default: /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches) where table key and row caches are stored

Commonly used properties

  • endpoint_snitch: shall be GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
  • seed_provider - seeds 不同的rack需要有一个seed. check here
  • concurrent_reads: 16 * number_of_drives
  • concurrent_writes: 8 * number_of_cpu_cores

Performance tuning properties

  • commitlog_sync: periodic(default) or batch
  • concurrent_compactors: per CPU core
  • commitlog_total_space_in_mb: tune carefully and in small increments
  • in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb: 5% to 10% of the available Java heap size.
  • trickle_fsync: true(if SSD)

Tuning Java resources

Monitoring a Cassandra cluster


Data caching

#####Tips for efficient cache use

  • Store lower-demand data or data with extremely long rows in a table with minimal or no caching.
  • Deploy a large number of Cassandra nodes under a relatively light load per node.
  • Logically separate heavily-read data into discrete tables.