A C++ behavioral testing framework in the spirit of rspec, etc. Provides a simple DSL that compiles down to a test executable, and a very detailed and customizable report.
Copy the two header files into your project. Write a configuration cpp file that includes config.h. It may be empty for a default configuration. Write a cpp file for each specification you wish to provide that each includes harness.h. Compile with the config.cpp first in the compile order:
g++ -o tester config.cpp test_1.cpp test_2.cpp ...
Then just run the tester:
// config.cpp
#include "config.h"
// test.cpp
#include "harness.h"
describe(Foo) {
it ("should work") {
should(1 == 0);
g++ -o tester config.cpp test.cpp
Passes: 0
Failures: 1
Failed: bar.cpp:8 Foo should work
Seed: 0
Time: 11ms
The configuration block can contain several options and parameters you can use to customize the test executable's behavior.
// config.cpp
#include "config.h"
configuration {
settings {
// Whether or not to report the seed at the end of the tests
printSeed = false;
// Whether or not to report the results (# of passes, etc)
printResults = true;
// Whether or not to report the time elapsed
printTime = true;
The tester application automatically supports several test arguments.
- --docs - Prints the tests and modules in an easy-to-read format.
- --seed - Uses the given seed to randomize the tests. Good for re-running a previous test order to mitigate nondeterminism.