A minimal JNA wrapper around the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library ("libgmp").
The basic JNA GMP library; minimal dependencies.
Available on Maven central as com.squareup.jnagmp:jnagmp
Example module that shows integrating JNA GMP with Bouncy Castle.
Available on Maven central as com.squareup.jnagmp:bouncycastle-rsa
- Scott Blum scottb@squareup.com
- Nathan McCauley mccauley@squareup.com
- Daniele Perito daniele@squareup.com
- Josh Humphries jh@squareup.com
- Sam Quigley sq@squareup.com
- Elijah Zupancic elijah.zupancic@joyent.com - Solaris binary build
- Apache 2.0
- libgmp is licensed under the GNU LGPL