
This is a CSS3 file for responsive menu for your website. It changes it's behaviour accordingly to screen resolution.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This is a CSS3 file for responsive menu for your website. It changes it's behaviour accordingly to screen resolution.

How to use?

You need to add <meta> tag for viewport info:

	<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>

Make a reference to responsive-menu-bundle.min.css inside your <head>> tag

	<link rel='stylesheet' href='css/responsive-menu-bundle.min.css'>

I also suggest using FontAwesome icons

	<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css'>

Next step is to create a menu.

<div class='r-menu r-menu-light'>
	<div class='r-menu-panel'>
		<span class='fa fa-navicon' onclick='toggleMenu(this.parentNode.parentNode)'></span>
	<ul class='r-menu-list'>
		<li><a href='#'>Link 1</a></li>
		<li><a href='#'>Link 2</a></li>
		<li><a href='#'>Link 3</a></li>
		<li><a href='#'>Link 4</a></li>

The last step is to create a function that will toggle the menu on small screens. Since it's only a CSS base, I didn't want to enforce a method.

This is an example that works in all browsers, IE10 and newer:

function toggleMenu(elem) {
	var ul = elem.querySelector('.r-menu-list');
	if(ul.classList.toggle) { // less work for browser which support toggle
	} else { // IE workaround...
		if(ul.classList.contains('slide-down')) {
		} else {

See demo.htm for a reference


  • .r-menu - this is a class that the main container should have
  • .r-menu-list - this is the <ul> tag of menu
  • .r-menu-panel - you need this, mobile gets bugged without it
  • .r-menu-[theme name] - this class sets a theme for menu. See Theming for more


This CSS uses 480px as a barrier for behaviour of menu. When resolution is lower than 480px there will be a "hamburger" which toggles the menu list. If the resolution is higher than 480px it will behave in a standard way.

Edit $break variable in source files inside src or edit compiled *.css inside dist if you want to change it.


You can choose a theme for menu. There are currently four themes:

  • light
  • dark
  • blue
  • red

r-menu.css is a base, without colors. Each theme has a separate file with proper name (for ex.r-menu-dark.css).

If you want to use a theme, you have to add a reference to proper file inside your <head>

You can also use r-menu-bundle.css which contains the base skeleton and all themes.

To apply a theme on menu, you have to add a corresponding class:

<div class='r-menu r-menu-dark'>