DDM5001-Assignment1-WANG Jianxing-20745890

The bash script of question2 is in the file 'question2.sh'. The codes of question3 are in the file 'question3' which were uploaded to github. I used Linux operation system.

To run these files, please download all files to your Linux operation system. Then you can open Linux terminal and use "cd path" command to get into the path of folder where you download the file. And then you need to use command "chmod +x question3.py" and command "chmod +x question2.sh" to get the execute permission, so that you can use commands "./question2.sh" and "./question3.py" to run these codes.

Because the codes in "question3.py" used relative path to open 'blocklist.xml' file, please make sure to download the 'blocklist.xml' and 'question3.py' together and put them into a same folder, then the codes can read the xml file correctly.