
My submission for the Fetch data engineering take-home.

Primary LanguagePython

Fetch Data Engineering Take-Home


This repository contains my submission for the Fetch data engineering take-home.

Running locally

First, you'll need to clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/will-hinson/fetch-data-engineering-demo.git
cd fetch-data-engineering-demo

By default, the entire application is configured to be run using docker compose and the configuration provided in demo.env. You may start all of the containers with the following commands:

docker compose build
docker compose up

The application will start in the fetch-demo container and it will log all output to the console. No knowledge of Python is required to start the application, a Dockerfile is provided in src that will handle setup and dependencies.

Note that the containers are set up to perform initial healthchecks and the fetch-demo container may take up to 20 seconds to start after the Localstack container is ready.


The following are my answers to the questions provided in the assignment:

1. How would you deploy this application in production?

  • In its current state, the simplest way to deploy this application would be to use ECS.
  • Connection secrets could be passed in using the environment list in the containerDefinitions.
  • The Postgres instance could be created using RDS if it didn't already exist separately.

2. What other components would you want to add to make this production ready?

  • Before considering this application production ready, I would want to make the following improvements:
    • Integrate with Amazon CloudWatch to allow more robust monitoring of performance and logging of exceptions.
    • Set up more robust dependency injection for connection secrets.
    • Add error handling to re-establish both the SQS and SQL connections if they are dropped.

3. How can this application scale with a growing dataset?

  • This existing application could make use of threads to process more messages concurrently.
  • Instances of the application could be set up with load balancing to scale out as needed if the message queue started growing too large.
  • The Postgres database could be set up with EBS or made distributed via sharding to improve throughput.
  • A document database like DynamoDB could be used to store the records from the SQS queue and a warehousing process could insert them into the relational database later on.

4. How can PII be recovered later on?

  • The PII is masked using the AES-256 algorithm. Since this algorithm is symmetric, the PII can be decoded using AES-256 decryption and the encryption key provided in demo.env.
  • This decryption step could either occur directly in the Postgres database via the pgp_sym_decrypt() function or the data could be pulled into a Python data structure (e.g., a DataFrame) and decrypted using the AesDecryptor class in fetch_demo.cipher.

5. What are the assumptions you made?

  • The AES output for the two masked fields will never exceed 256 bytes in length. The width of the columns in the table could be widened as necessary to accommodate changes in the future.
  • The only valid compound key for the user_logins table includes all columns. Adding an auto-increment primary key would eliminate this assumption.
  • The app_version field will always be a triad and dot separators can simply be dropped since it needs to be stored as an integer. If this isn't the case, versions 2.3.0 and 2.30 would clash.

Next Steps

  • Write a client class and dataclasses to abstract reading objects from SQS. This would make our codebase less tightly integrated with SQS and make our __main__.py easier to maintain.
  • Create a session manager class that could handle logging in a more robust manner and re-establish dropped connections.
  • Implement more flexible configuration than using a .env file. Ideally, YAML or JSON could be used for configuration.