
Primary LanguageJavaScript

NC News Version release date

NC News is a web application designed to act as a repository for news articles. The relational database stores the Articles, Comments, Topics, and Users.

Hosted: https://github.com/will-nickson/be-nc-news

Getting Started


  • node version 10
  • PostgreSQL version 11
  • npm version 6
  • API Testing tool (Insomnia, Postman, etc.)


  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/will-nickson/be-nc-news.git
  1. cd into the repository
cd be-nc-news
  1. Install the dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the "setup:dbs" script
npm run setup:dbs
  1. Run the "seed:run" script
npm run seed:run
  1. Run the "host" script to start running the server locally
npm run host
  1. To stop running the server user use ctrl + c


Once the server is up and running the following endpoints and methods will be available.

Note: GET request can be ran from a browser using "localhost:9090" before an endpoint, however all other methods will require an API testing tool.

  • /api:

    • GET - will respond with an object containing the endpoints along with an description of what will return and any rules for the method.
    • The URL should resemble - "localhost:9090/api"
  • /api/topics:

    • GET:

      • Description: Returns an on object containing an array of all topics
      • Response example:
        "topics": [
            "slug": "coding",
            "description": "Code is love, code is life"
            "slug": "football",
            "description": "FOOTIE!"
            "slug": "cooking",
            "description": "Hey good looking, what you got cooking?"
    • POST:

      • Description: Returns the record of the newly posted topic
      • Body Example:
        "slug": "slug_name_here",
        "description": "description_here"
      • Response Example:
        "topic": {
          "slug": "slug_name_here",
          "description": "description_here"
  • /api/articles:

    • GET:

      • Description: Returns an on object containing an array of all articles
      • Response Example:
        "total_count": 12,
        "articles": [
            "article_id": 1,
            "title": "Example title",
            "body": "Example body",
            "votes": 100,
            "topic": "Example topic",
            "author": "Example author",
            "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH: MM: SS.SSS'Z'",
            "comment_count": "13"
            "article_id": 3,
            "title": "Example title",
            "body": "Example body",
            "votes": 0,
            "topic": "Example topic",
            "author": "Example author",
            "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH: MM: SS.SSS'Z'",
            "comment_count": "0"
        "AUTHOR": "FILTER, by the username",
        "TOPIC": "FILTER, by topic",
        "COLUMN": [
        "ORDER": ["asc", "desc"],
        "LIMIT": "Limit the number of results being displayed, defaults to 10",
        "PAGE": "Choose which page to start displaying result from, calculated pased on the limit"
    • POST:

      • Description: Returns the record of the newly post article
      • Body Example:
        "title": "title_here",
        "body": "body_here",
        "topic": "topic_here",
        "username": "username_here"
      • Response Example:
        "article": {
          "article_id": "1",
          "title": "title_here",
          "body": "body_here",
          "votes": 0,
          "topic": "topic_here",
          "author": "username_here",
          "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH: MM: SS.SSS'Z'"
  • /api/articles/:article_id:

    • Note: :article_id must be an integer

    • GET:

      • Description: Returns an on object containing the article with the matching id
      • Response:
        "article": {
          "article_id": 1,
          "title": "Living in the shadow of a great man",
          "body": "I find this existence challenging",
          "votes": 100,
          "topic": "mitch",
          "author": "butter_bridge",
          "created_at": "2018-11-15T12: 21: 54.000Z",
          "comment_count": "13"
    • PATCH:

      • Description: Returns an object containing the updated article
      • Body Example:
        "inc_votes": 2
      • Response:
      "response": {
          "article": {
            "article_id": 1,
            "title": "Living in the shadow of a great man",
            "body": "I find this existence challenging",
            "votes": 102,
            "topic": "mitch",
            "author": "butter_bridge",
            "created_at": "2018-11-15T12: 21: 54.000Z",
            "comment_count": "13"
    • DELETE:

      • Description: Returns a status:204 with no body
  • /api/articles/:article_id/comments

    • Note: :article_id must be an integer

    • GET: Description: Returns an on object an array of comments related to the article

      • Response Example:
        "comments": [
            "comment_id": 2,
            "author": "butter_bridge",
            "article_id": 1,
            "votes": 14,
            "created_at": "2016-11-22T12: 36: 03.000Z",
            "body": "The beautiful thing about treasure is that it exists. Got to find out what kind of sheets these are; not cotton, not rayon, silky."
    • POST:

      • Description: Returns an object with the newly added comment
      • Body Example:
        "username": "username_here",
        "body": "body_here"
      • Response Example:
        "comment": {
          "comment_id": 19,
          "author": "username_here",
          "article_id": 1,
          "votes": 0,
          "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH: MM: SS.SSS'Z'",
          "body": "body_here"
  • /api/comments/:comment_id:

    • Note: comment_id must be an integer
    • PATCH:
      • Description: Returns an object containing the updated comment
      • Body Example:
        "inc_votes": 2
      • Response Example:
        "comment": {
          "comment_id": 2,
          "author": "username_here",
          "article_id": 1,
          "votes": 17,
          "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH: MM: SS.SSS'Z'",
          "body": "body_here"
    • Delete:
      • Description: Returns a status:204 with no body
  • /api/users:

    • GET:
      • Description: Returns an on object containing an array of all users
      • Response:
        "users": [
            "username": "butter_bridge",
            "avatar_url": "https://www.healthytherapies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Lime3.jpg",
            "name": "jonny"
    • POST:
      • Description: Returns an object with the newly added user
      • Body Example:
        "username": "username_here",
        "avatar_url": "https: //www.longstring.com",
        "name": "bill"
      • Response:
        "user": {
          "username": "username_here",
          "avatar_url": "https://www.longstring.com",
          "name": "bill"
  • /api/users/:username:

    • GET:
      • Description: Returns an object with the user
      • Response Example:
        "user": {
          "username": ":username",
          "avatar_url": "https: //avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/24394918?s=400&v=4",
          "name": "paul"

Running the tests

In order to run the automated tests, you will need to run the "test" script

npm test

Built with

  • Express.js - Back-end Framework
  • Knex.js - Query builder for SQL based databases
  • postgreSQL - Object-relational database management system
  • Testing:
    • Mocha
    • Chai


  • 1.0


Will Nickson


Thank you to Northcoders. Big thank you to cohort 37.