
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Deloitte Digital


An API mocking library for iOS.

CI Status Version License Platform




DDMockiOS is available through CocoaPods.

  1. Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'DDMockiOS'
  1. Run pod install

  2. Create a new run script in the target build phase and add

python "${PODS_ROOT}/DDMockiOS/init-mocks.py" "<path_to_mock_files_directory>/mockfiles"

  1. Follow Getting Started steps

Building from scratch

  1. Run sh build-xcframework.sh

  2. Framework should be added in output/DDMockiOS

  3. Drag output/DDMockiOS/ into project root folder

  4. Create a new run script in the target build phase and add

python "${SRCROOT}/DDMockiOS/init-mocks.py" "<path_to_mock_files_directory>/mockfiles"

  1. Follow Getting Started steps

Getting started

  1. Add DDMock.shared.initialise() to AppDelegate

  2. Add DDMockProtocol.initialise(config: ...) to networking library


let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// other configuration set up
DDMockProtocol.initialise(config: configuration)
  1. Check if after first run of the app, the Settings.bundle file underneath the DDMockiOS/ is added to the project. If not add this to the project.

Mock API files

  • All API mock files must be stored under a directory called /mockfiles.
  • The /mockfiles must be a folder reference and not a group and stored under the Resources folder
  • All API mock files are mapped based on the endpoint path and HTTP method.
  • e.g. login mock response file for endpoint POST BASE_URL/mobile-api/v1/auth/login should be stored under mobile-api/v1/auth/login/post
  • For dynamic endpoint url, create directories with _ and _ for every replacement blocks and parameters
  • e.g. mock files for GET BASE_URL/mobile-api/v1/users/_usersId_ should be stored under mobile-api/v1/users/{usersId}/get
  • see sample
  • All mock files need to be JSON files
  • There can be more than one mock file stored under each endpoint path
  • By default, the first file listed (alphabetically ordered) under each endpoint path is selected as the mock response


DDMockiOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.