This project is a drop-in replacement board that fits and Gameboy Color shell and use the same IPS display as used in GBC kits. The goal of this project is initially fun and a bit of challenge and besides that the love for the GBC form factor and the will to leverage the wide GBC modding community to create a unique and customizable handheld device.
- GBC drop-in replacement board
- CM4 core
- 1800mAh battery
- High resolution IPS display
- PCM5102a audio DAC
- Fuel gauge battery monitoring
- Hardware familiarization - CM$ board schematics
- Design v1.0 DSI test display board for LT031MDZ4000
- Order v1.0 DSI test display board for LT031MDZ4000
- Design v1.0 mainboard
- Order v1.0 mainboard
- Bring up v1.0 mainboard
- Design v1.0 DSI test display board for LS029B3SX02 (evaluation)
- Order v1.0 DSI test display board for LS029B3SX02
- Design v1.1 mainboard
- Order v1.1 mainboard
- Bring up v1.1 mainboard
- Design flex PCB including ribbon cable to accomodate the final display
- Find a way to crop DSI panel as glass lens covers some of it
- Put together a fully functional Linux image (ongoing)
- Implement an on-screen indicator for volume, brightness control via GPIOs
- Other optimizations/improvements/bug fixes
- Create prototype showcase video
- Final GitHub open source release & announcement!