SimpleJSON could be found before on but the website is now down The creator of SimpleJSON is Bunny83 and the library can be found on Bunny83's repo. The usage example is gone, so it will be noted here.
Create a "plugins" folder in the "assets" folder. Place SimpleJSON.cs within the "plugins" folder.
Add this line at the top of the script:
using SimpleJSON;
Add this line at the top of the script:
import SimpleJSON;
The following JSON string will be used in the example.
"version": "1.0",
"data": {
"sampleArray": [
"string value",
"name": "sub object"
Here are the usage examples
var N = JSON.Parse(the_JSON_string);
var versionString = N["version"].Value; // versionString will be a string containing "1.0"
var versionNumber = N["version"].AsFloat; // versionNumber will be a float containing 1.0
var name = N["data"]["sampleArray"][2]["name"];// name will be a string containing "sub object"
string val = N["data"]["sampleArray"][0]; // val contains "string value"
var val : String = N["data"]["sampleArray"][0];// val contains "string value"
var i = N["data"]["sampleArray"][1].AsInt; // i will be an integer containing 5
N["data"]["sampleArray"][1].AsInt = i+6; // the second value in sampleArray will contain "11"
N["additional"]["second"]["name"] = "FooBar"; // this will create a new object named "additional" in this object create another
//object "second" in this object add a string variable "name"
var mCount = N["countries"]["germany"]["moronCount"].AsInt; // this will return 0 and create all the required objects and
// initialize "moronCount" with 0.
if (N["wrong"] != null) // this won't execute the if-statement since "wrong" doesn't exist
if (N["wrong"].AsInt == 0) // this will execute the if-statement and in addition add the "wrong" value.
N["data"]["sampleArray"][-1] = "Test"; // this will add another string to the end of the array
N["data"]["sampleArray"][-1]["name"] = "FooBar"; // this will add another object to the end of the array which contains a string named "name"
N["data"] = "erased"; // this will replace the object stored in data with the string "erased"