- 9
Bogus "tx_id" doesn't exist in function domain.
#39 opened by lemmy - 6
- 7
Complete support for module semantics
#14 opened by will62794 - 0
Add capability to explode multiple constants
#52 opened by josefahmad - 1
Make the UI panels resizable
#51 opened by josefahmad - 0
- 2
Handle model values
#7 opened by will62794 - 1
- 2
- 1
Can I embed this in another website?
#36 opened by hwayne - 3
Parse error if Next is defined on one line
#45 opened by ajdavis - 6
Short-circuit evaluation in conjunctions
#44 opened by ajdavis - 6
Opening trace link loads forever
#41 opened by lemmy - 1
Bogus results for trace expressions
#40 opened by lemmy - 3
Finite stuttering should be possible?
#11 opened by lemmy - 1
Should notify user if spec fails to load
#37 opened by hwayne - 1
Folds not supported
#35 opened by oggy- - 0
Add Linearizability spec as example
#38 opened by lemmy - 0
Add additional tests for ENABLED construct
#32 opened by will62794 - 0
Add additional tests for RECURSIVE operators
#33 opened by will62794 - 2
Display action names with next state choices
#29 opened by will62794 - 2
Priority of :> not handled correctly
#34 opened by oggy- - 2
LAMBDA expressions
#22 opened by lemmy - 3
Support recursive operators
#5 opened by will62794 - 2
Lasso detection rules out behaviors
#31 opened by lemmy - 6
Operators from standard modules do not work
#13 opened by lemmy - 2
#27 opened by will62794 - 1
Encode CONSTANT value settings in URL
#8 opened by will62794 - 10
Feature Request: ALIAS
#23 opened by fhackett-ms - 1
Handle primed expressions correctly
#20 opened by will62794 - 1
Allow unit tests to execute in background
#28 opened by will62794 - 2
UNCHANGED vars disjunct
#21 opened by lemmy - 1
Variables values undefined when operator is primed
#19 opened by lemmy - 1
- 1
- 1
Real-world spec challenge
#26 opened by lemmy - 1
- 1
Four boolean values: TRUE, FALSE, false, true
#18 opened by lemmy - 1
- 2
Incomplete set of initial states
#15 opened by lemmy - 1
Support CASE construct
#6 opened by will62794 - 2
Next-state relation disabled when it is not
#12 opened by lemmy - 1
What license is this released under?
#3 opened by lemmy - 2
- 2
- 0
Consider as the frontend
#2 opened by lemmy - 5