
Aplicação back-end feita na trilha Node.js do NLW Expert.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This project, developed during the Rocketseat Next Level Week event, Expert edition, enables the creation of polls and facilitates voting on them. The polls are stored in a PostgreSQL database, with the application utilizing the Prisma ORM for this purpose. Additionally, the API incorporates a Websocket connection, through which updates on individual poll votes are broadcasted each time a user casts their vote. Redis is employed to manage the rankings of the poll votes.

Getting Started


Node v20.10.0


yarn install

Environment Variables

Create a new .env file inside the project root, and define your database URL using the content below and replacing the <user and <password by the database user and password respectively.



Running Docker images

docker compose up -d

This will start a PostgreSQL instance and a Redis instance on Docker.

Running migrations

This will run all migrations creating the tables and other configs inside the database.

yarn prisma db push


yarn dev

The API will be running on http://localhost:3333 and websocket on ws://localhost:3333.


Route Method Protocol Description
/polls POST HTTP Create a new poll.
/polls/:pollId GET HTTP Get a single poll.
/polls/:pollId/vote POST HTTP Vote on a poll option.
/polls/:pollId/results -- WS Open a WS connection to receive votes results.

🔗 Technologies

Node.js Badge Typescript Badge Docker Badge PostgreSQL Badge Redis Badge