
my code to scrape the purdue butcher block website for their stock

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Purdue butcher block scraper

This repo is my ongoing project to build a system that texts me when my University butcher has specific meats in stock (chuck eyes)


I think it will be a multiple step process:

  • Scrape the butcher block site into some python data structure, and build filtering frontend in Streamlit.
  • Store the data in a relational database (postgres?)
  • Build a system to periodically scrape the website and check for updates, can do this by checking first row on the site for a date update.
  • Add a functionality on frontend to input a phone number and a request for a product. Create new database with requests.
  • On website update, check request database to see if any products are in it. If so, send texts to all requesters


Docker-compose You need BuildKit enabled, can do so with export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

python with pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.10 butcher-block-3.8.10
pyenv activate butcher-block-3.8.10
pip install -r scraper_api/requirements.txt frontend/requirements.txt
uvicorn scraper_api.main:api --host --port 80 && streamlit run frontend/dash.py --server.port=81